//  At DADA, we provide exceptional design solutions for all client needs, fully aware of the impact we have on our Planet.
We thrive to improve our awareness of human rights and environmental sustainability, through transparency and giving back. This is the core of our evolution.
Together with you, we can apply a conscious production and consumption approach, driving the changes in our ethical behavior.   //
The principles that guide us:
FULL AWARENESS • We are committed to learning and self-improvement in each area of our life and work style, aiming to reduce our global footprint and help rebuild and protect our planet. We encourage ethical behavior and fair labor practice. We search tirelessly for new materials and innovative solutions and we share our knowledge with every project. Encouraging suppliers and consumers on a sustainable lifestyle and fair labor standards protect our society and environment bringing us closer and in harmony with nature.

SUSTAINABILITY • Through sustainable management and infrastructure, we aim to create a better quality of life and to promote green and fair jobs for all partners involved. By selecting collaborators and suppliers who share the sustainable approach we champion an efficient use of natural resources, recycling, and reuse. We actively take part in reducing the waste of water, energy, and food.

TRANSPARENCY • A pillar of sustainability, a core value for our team. We openly share with our partners how we operate and who we collaborate with. Adopting sustainable practices means monitoring every aspect from production to logistics; including raw materials, packaging, waste, air quality, and water management. We collaborate with our suppliers to provide necessary certifications, compliance with applicable ISO standards, and data about the impact of their working activities on society and the environment. This information is included in the reporting cycle. Our goal is to always provide our clients with the best sustainable and cost-effective solutions.

GIVE BACK • ​Circular economy is a principle of manufacturing products in which the resources cycle in endless loops. It is our goal to increase recycling where possible, to follow the product, and optimize its lifespan. We believe the product development process should never stop and the goal should always be making the materials more sustainable. Implementing such a practice is challenging and may not always be feasible. It is our duty to advise our clients on the best possible compromise to minimize the impact on the environment whenever possible. We compensate by pledging to give back to those who need it. Sustaining our planet and life on it comes first. A percentage of our yearly earnings goes to “The clean water” project and endangered wolves foundation. The more we grow, the more we will give back (to the world just as it gives to us).
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